
Thanksgiving approaches, and while I spend time hunting for gluten free pumpkin cheesecake recipes and packing for the marathon drive from Ohio to Florida via Virginia, I also think about the many, many gifts in my life. When I take the time to create a gratitude list, it’s clear that I am  indeed a lucky gal. Some items loom large, like my terrific husband, and my happy healthy children, some items are basic, like my big-enough house (with a broom closet!), and great public library, and some are tiny little things that make my life complete, like Liberte‘ yogurt and my favorite new show, Glee.

It’s easy to get bogged down in the day-to-day aspects of life, but when I really take time to reflect, I realize like most, I have a good deal to be thankful for.

As our second year of operation draws to a close, the board of Ethiopian Orphan Relief, inc. has a lot to be thankful for as well. 2 projects at SOS/EE, a playground at AHOPE, and a well-building project to be completed in December are just a few of our many tangible successes this year.

Before asking you to make a donation to EOR, I would ask you first to catalog the gifts that make your world a better place. After, I hope ‘ll feel compelled to share your good fortune with others—the children of Ethiopia. Whenever I feel I have too little to go around, a quick check of all that I do have reminds me that I have plenty to share. Whether your list includes a fabulous vacation, new grandchildren in the family, or your own favorite TV show, I hope that you’ll recognize the gifts in your own life, and choose to share the joy with EOR.

Those of us at Ethiopian Orphan Relief, Inc. realize our greatest gift is YOU! Without your ongoing generous support, none of the projects would be possible. You have made the world a better place for thousands of children who have access to joyful play, education, and clean water—perhaps for the first time ever.

Please  create your own list of gratitude, and consider making a gift in your name, or to honor someone else, to benefit the children of Ethiopian Orphan Relief. We all have so much to be thankful for…..

Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving.

In gratitude,

Paige Chapman-Layland

Ethiopian Orphan Relief, Inc.

Annual Fund Chair

We would welcome your donation here

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