News and noteworthy*

Those of us at EOR are dedicated to sharing our news in a variety of formats. In September I began a monthly newsletter, designed for everyone to read, but especially for those who aren’t regular blog or Facebook readers.

If you aren’t receiving the newsletter or know someone else who isn’t but should, drop me a line at paige@, and include the email address or addresses we should send our news to. The 10th magical message sender will receive a FREE. GIFT. from. ME! And really, what could be better than that?

* this photo should in NO way suggest what it is you MIGHT win if you are the 10th caller, I mean responder!


October Newsletter

Here at EOR a great way to learn of our projects, upcoming events and program highlights is our monthly newsletter. If you have a idea for our newsletter please contact

Want to receive a monthly update in our inbox?  Click the link below and then click on “join our list” on the far right column.

A big thanks to our VP Paige for taking on this project.

Check out our October news below–inc-.html?soid=1103640951423&aid=ATHGU1uejiY.
